
Cremation Service Options

Urns, Keepsakes, Alternative Containers/Rental, And General Price List Information


Personalization isn't just about honoring your loved one's individuality. It also allows family and friends to feel connected to the services and the life being honored. We work closely with you and your family to get to know your loved one's life story so we can make their services as personal as possible.


Urn Selection

We offer Matthews Aurora™ products With an assortment Of urns And keepsakes To meet every family’s preferences. You may view the catalog here.

Personal Expression Keepsakes

Along With our I’ll Remember You® urn collection, we offer a variety Of keepsakes allowing families To cherish And enjoy a personal reminder Of their loved one, Each holding a portion Of cremation remains.
Our Catalog can be view here.
Our Price List can be viewed here.

Stationery products such As Funeral Folders, Prayer Cards, Register Books And other items can be purchased directly From our partners at Funeral Prints. Order online here. Click Here


Due To continued inflation And supply chain issues relating To the ongoing pandemic Not all products featured In catalogs may be available And a small temporary surcharge From our vendors may be applied To the final cost Of all products. We anticipate these changes To be a temporary change From our vendors. Please contact us With any questions.


Cremation Service Options


Cremation Society of Placer County is pleased to offer a variety of cremation/service options to meet your family's needs.  Below are just some of the most common services families select.  Please contact us if you have any questions regarding our services.


Chapel/Church (Traditional) Service Followed By Cremation

When cremation became more common In the last quarter Of the prior century, cremation was often erroneously thought Of As being synonymous With direct disposition, meaning without services Or viewing.  The reality, the greatest increase In the type Of arrangements made has been among families desiring traditional services And visitation, followed By cremation.  This has been made possible through the use Of special cremation caskets Or ceremonial (rental) caskets which are used For the service Or viewing only.  With the use Of such a casket, traditional services can be held at our chapel, church, Or other facility With either And open Or closed casket.


Memorial Service

A memorial service Is a funeral without the body present.  If cremation Is involved, the family may Choose To have the cremated remains present, but this Is a personal choice.  A memorial service can be held In our chapel, a church, Or other location that Is meaningful To you.  Some settings, like a park, the beach, Or In the mountains make ideal locations For memorial services.  Since a casket Is Not present at a memorial service, photographs, flowers, Or personal mementos reflective Of the decedent are usually arranged As a final point Of the service.


Direct Cremation

There Is no requirement that any type Of service be held prior To cremation.  Some families Choose To have a direct cremation, meaning that the deceased Is cremated once the necessary legal documents have been completed.  There Is no viewing Or service prior To the cremation.


Disposition Of Cremated Remains

Cremation affords a variety Of options For the final disposition Of the cremated remains.  The family may Take possession Of the cremated remains, Or we can deliver Or mail the cremated remains To a cemetery Or other location.  The most common forms Of disposition are As follows:

  • Retention By the family at home
  • Burial In a cemetery ground Space
  • Placement In a cemetery scattering garden
  • Placement In an above ground cemetery niche (columbarium)
  • Scattering at sea Or land, etc. (Special Requirements)




General Price List





Cremation Society of Placer County FD 2199 | (916) 550-4338
5701 Lonetree Blvd Suite 209, Rocklin, CA 95765


© Cremation Society of Placer County FD 2199
Crafted with care by Frazer Consultants & TA



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